Final Advisory Board Meeting of the Future Learning Initiative | October 27, 2023

The Future Learning Initiative (FLI) Advisory Board Meeting was a a big success. FLI project members provided brief reports and presentations of the various FLI projects, each presented in a 15 min. talk. Keynote speaker Prof. Martha W. Alibali,…

Talk at TEDxHSG, University of St. Gallen | September 16, 2023

Prof. Kapur talked about failure as a means of learning at TEDxHSG: Ideas for Exploring the Future of Learning.

Productive Failure featured on «THE Times Higher Education» | May 4, 2023

Advice to help faculty and staff reframe and harness failure as a useful aid to learning and development. Read the full article on How to Fail Well.

Article in «Edsurge» (online) | February 16, 2023

Since the pandemic, more instructors at schools and colleges appear to have embraced “flipped learning,” the approach of asking students to watch lecture videos before class so that class time can be used for active learning. Proponents…

Prof. Kapur was a keynote speaker at the «17. Hochschulevent» | November 16, 2022

Prof. Kapur spoke about the «Future of Higher Education» at the 17. Hochschulevent at the Kongresshaus Zurich. Find out more about the program here.

Article in «THE Times Higher Education» | October 25, 2022

Professor Kapur and co-​authors John Hattie, Irina Grossman and Tanmay Sinha recognise that flipped learning is “here to stay” but call for administrators and professors to pay more attention to course design, rather than mode of teaching. Flipped…

Article in «EduTopia» | September 16, 2022

Interview with Prof. Kapur on reframing our notion of failure, and letting kids stumble with purpose. Find out more about the article on «If You’re Not Failing, You’re Not Learning»  

Article in «Tagesanzeiger» | September 15, 2022

Even first graders are afraid of math. It doesn't have to be that way. Prof. Manu Kapur explains why failure can be seen as an opportunity. Find out more about the article on «Why Math doesn't necessarily need to be a frightening subject…

Article in «The New York Times» | April 5, 2022

Several common educational strategies lean into the idea that, in the classroom, challenge is something to embrace. Learning the Right Way to Struggle

NPR Episode: How to learn new things! 

Prof. Manu Kapur talks about the role of Productive Failure in NPR's episode on how to learn new things! | Find out more about the article on "Learning a new skill can be hard"!
Image (ETH Zürich / Alessandro Della Bella)

Various Articles on "Those who fail productively are all the wiser" | September 2021

"Practicing before learning theory is almost twice as efficient as being taught by an excellent teacher for a year" says Prof. Manu Kapur. He conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis along with Dr. Tanmay Sinha, in which they included 53 previously…

National University of Singapore Society (NUSS) Professorship Lecture | April 21, 2021

The Future of Learning | How do people learn? What does the science of learning say about how people learn, and the design of learning environments? Prof. Kapur will start by discussing some of the big ideas in the learning sciences.