Interview in the Swiss newspaper «Neue Zürcher Zeitung»
I am very skeptical about what the Pisa studies measure.
The focus should be on training people to be critically thinking, inventive, mentally highly flexible and socially competent, while giving them the basic knowledge and skills of course.
Inaugural Lecture
You are kindly invited to the Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Dr. Manu Kapur on October 2, 2017 at 17:15 h
2017 Outstanding Article Award from Educational Psychologist
The Chair of Division 15’s Publications Committee is delighted to inform that the article “Conceptualizing Debates in Learning and Educational Research: Toward a Complex Systems Conceptual Framework of Learning” has been selected as the…
Interview (2) with Prof. Manu Kapur in BOLD - Blog on Learning and Development
Manu Kapur developed the concept of “Productive Failure”. In the second part of our interview he talks about tacit and explicit knowledge, and points out that technology will eventually be the primary means of conveying the latter, but not…
Interview (1) with Prof. Manu Kapur in BOLD - Blog on Learning and Development
Manu Kapur explains his concept of “Productive Failure”. In the first part of the interview, he also discusses why teaching should be guided by the latest research on human cognition and learning.
Diplomatic Courier interview with Prof Kapur at the Global Talent Summit 2017
Watch the Diplomatic Courier interview with Prof Kapur at the Global Talent Summit 2017, ETH Zurich
Global Talent Summit 2017 and Swiss Radio Interview
Manu was invited to speak at the Global Talent Summit 2017 in ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
He was also interviewed by the Swiss Radio, Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF). The audio of the interview (in German) can be found here