Prof. Kapur was a keynote speaker at the «17. Hochschulevent» | November 16, 2022
Prof. Kapur spoke about the «Future of Higher Education» at the 17. Hochschulevent at the Kongresshaus Zurich.
Find out more about the program here.
Article in «THE Times Higher Education» | October 25, 2022
Professor Kapur and co-authors John Hattie, Irina Grossman and Tanmay Sinha recognise that flipped learning is “here to stay” but call for administrators and professors to pay more attention to course design, rather than mode of teaching.
Article in «EduTopia» | September 16, 2022
Interview with Prof. Kapur on reframing our notion of failure, and letting kids stumble with purpose.
Find out more about the article on «If You’re Not Failing, You’re Not Learning»
Article in «Tagesanzeiger» | September 15, 2022
Even first graders are afraid of math. It doesn't have to be that way. Prof. Manu Kapur explains why failure can be seen as an opportunity.
Find out more about the article on «Why Math doesn't necessarily need to be a frightening subject…
Article in «The New York Times» | April 5, 2022
Several common educational strategies lean into the idea that, in the classroom, challenge is something to embrace.
Learning the Right Way to Struggle